
Cambridge Maths School wants to help everyone love maths and enjoy working on maths problems. Maths Circles and Eureka Days both provide excellent opportunities for this.

Maths Circles  

Maths Circles are an excellent way to develop our young mathematicians by starting these students on their journey to become the best mathematicians of the future.

Axiom Maths believe in the power of maths to transform lives and nations. Access to that power should not depend on a child’s background. Our mission is to help every child with the heart and head for maths realise the potential of their power. They support the programme and provide the funding and resources to make this a reality.  

Axiom Maths Circles is a 5-year taught enrichment programme working with pupils from Year 7 to Year 11. 

We commit to doing everything we can to support them to maintain the highest levels of achievement.

Our journey begins by helping you to identify a cohort of pupils who would benefit from the programme, looking at both their heart and head for maths. 

We support you to nurture your pupils through weekly face-face maths circles. Our curriculum has been created to inspire and challenge young minds, with problems that excite them to the point that they lose themselves in the maths. The programme aims to help young people develop the mindset of high-level mathematicians, to have the ability to talk about maths like graduate mathematicians, to enjoy solving large complex problems and do this collaborativelyThe whole programme has been put together by Axiom, a charity committed to developing young people as mathematicians. Axiom sees this as a way of providing a route to social mobility and leading young people to enjoyable and successful careers. They have developed excellent resources and support for mentors to ensure all students are challenged in a supportive and fun environment.   


If you are a state school in the East of England, we can help you set up Maths Circles to give your students the boost they need to really love maths and excel. If you would like to get involved, please contact .  

If you are in another part of the country, we can help you to find one of our Maths Circles partners in your area and you can register on Axiom’s website  


Eureka Days

Eureka DaysDuring the spring term, Cambridge Maths School runs the very popular Eureka Days each year. Bring your Year 9 or 10 students  for an inspirational day of Mathematics talks and activities. We are joined by NRICH and AMSP, who are leading some exciting activities, and some exciting guest speakers.

Feedback from previous Eureka Days:

Excellent, interesting activities/talks.”

“Students engaged very well with all activities. They found the activities interesting and challenging.”

After, one student said she wanted to focus more on Maths and in Maths [lessons] and that she had come to the realisation that when she understood how to answer one question, it could lead to another answers. It was really great to see team work in the sessions.”

“Great induction to A-Level Maths in a university-style setting.”

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