
We believe that a well-rounded education extends beyond the classroom. Our enrichment curriculum offers students numerous opportunities to explore their interests, develop new skills, and engage with the world around them.

Clubs and Societies

We offer a diverse range of clubs and societies to cater to the varied interests of our students. The Student Council provides a platform for student leadership, allowing students to voice their opinions and contribute to school decision-making. The Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award program challenges students through activities that promote personal growth, resilience, and community service.

For those with a passion for the arts, our Music Club and Art Club offer creative outlets and opportunities to showcase talent. Debate Club hones critical thinking and public speaking skills, while our Book Club encourages a love for literature and thoughtful discussion.

Our Pride Society is a supportive space for LGBTQ+ students and allies, promoting inclusivity and awareness. For those who enjoy strategic thinking and camaraderie, the Board Games Club and Dungeons and Dragons Club provide a fun and engaging environment.

Exciting Trips

In addition to our vibrant clubs and societies, we offer enriching trips that broaden students’ horizons. Our students have the opportunity to visit Kenya, where they can engage in social action projects and experience a different culture. A trip to CERN in Switzerland allows students to witness cutting-edge scientific research firsthand.

Closer to home, we organize visits to local museums and art galleries, providing cultural enrichment and fostering a deeper appreciation for the arts and sciences. Students also have the chance to experience the magic of live performances with trips to renowned London theatres.

At Cambridge Maths School, our enrichment curriculum is designed to inspire curiosity, foster personal growth, and prepare students for a dynamic and interconnected world. We encourage every student to take full advantage of these opportunities to explore their passions and develop lifelong skills.

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