Pastoral Care

Through our tutorial system students are fully supported.

At our school, student welfare is paramount and plays a crucial role in academic success. The Sixth Form period is a pivotal transition linking school, university, employment, and beyond. Our pastoral support is designed to help students achieve their goals and navigate the exciting yet challenging Sixth Form journey.

Key Features of Our Pastoral Support:

  • Small Tutor Groups: Each student is placed in a small tutor group of 12-15 students, ensuring personalised attention and support.
  • Daily Contact: Your tutor, whom you see daily, is your first point of contact for any pastoral issues.
  • Regular One-on-One Meetings: Students have regular one-on-one meetings with their form tutor to discuss and reflect on their academic and personal goals.
  • University References: Tutors not only support you during Sixth Form but also serve as your university reference, providing a continuity of care.

Tutor Time

Tutor time occurs daily after the first lesson and includes a variety of activities:

  • Student Briefing: Weekly notices, club advertisements, and important announcements are shared.
  • One-on-One Meetings: Regular individual meetings with your tutor to discuss progress and concerns.
  • Personal Development: One or two sessions per week covering topics such as equality, politics, mental health, and community engagement, careers and progression, University applications and Degree Apprenticeships. These sessions are led by your tutor or in an assembly format with your year group.
  • Competitions: Biweekly tutor group competitions to foster teamwork and a sense of community.

Student Support

Our Assistant Headteacher, Mrs Butler, oversees all aspects of student support, including SEN, wellbeing, and safeguarding. We approach each student’s needs individually, tailoring a package of support that ensures thoughtful adaptations to teaching and resources. Our personalised approach helps us address and support the unique needs of every student.

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