Problem of the Week

Problem 7

In this problem, an n-list is a sequence of n non-negative numbers, where n is a positive integer. A list is an n-list for some positive integer n.

The arithmetic mean \alpha of the n-list x_1, ..., x_n is given by \alpha = (x_1 + ... + x_n)/n; the geometric mean \gamma is given by \gamma = (x_1 ... x_n)^{1/n}.

(i) Show that \alpha \ge \gamma for all 2-lists.

(ii) Show that if \alpha \ge \gamma for all k-lists and all l-lists, then \alpha \ge \gamma for all kl-lists.

(iii) Show that if \alpha \ge \gamma for all (k+1)-lists, then \alpha \ge \gamma for all k-lists.

(iv) Deduce that \alpha \ge \gamma for all lists.

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