Values and the CMS Constitution

Cambridge Maths School (CMS) is a specialised institution for 16 to 19-year-olds, established in association with Cambridge University, CMS began its first academic year with Year 12 students in September 2023.

Our core mission is to cultivate passion, foster future leaders, and inspire curiosity among our students.

Vision: At CMS, our vision is:

  • Nurturing a deep passion for mathematics and science among students and educators alike, fostering exploration, fluency, understanding, and problem-solving skills.
  • Empowering students to envision and shape their future leadership roles in academia, industry, and beyond, leveraging their skills and knowledge acquired at CMS.
  • Encouraging a spirit of curiosity and lifelong learning, instilling a thirst for knowledge that extends beyond the classroom and into their future endeavours.
  • To equip students with comprehensive skills and knowledge to access leading universities and competitive career pathways.
  • To cultivate independence, effective communication, and self-confidence among our students.

Values: Our core values include:

  • Upholding rigorous academic standards and nurturing a culture of excellence, encouraging students to surpass their own expectations and academic boundaries.
  • Continuously assessing and enhancing students’ skills and knowledge to ensure continuous improvement and growth.
  • Fostering inclusivity and support for all students, ensuring every individual has the opportunity to thrive.
  • Cultivating a community of lifelong learners, where curiosity is celebrated and knowledge is pursued with enthusiasm.
  • Encouraging intellectual risk-taking and personal growth, empowering students to challenge themselves and expand their horizons.
  • Building an inclusive and supportive community where every member feels valued, respected, and inspired to excel.

CMS is committed to nurturing passionate mathematicians and scientists who will become future leaders, equipped to make significant contributions to society and the global STEM landscape.

CMS students and staff have collaborated to establish the CMS Constitution. This document defines our collective and individual responsibilities, ensuring an inclusive, respectful, and intellectually stimulating academic environment.

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